on 31 July 2014
Cloud 9 IDE now runs Ubuntu containers via Docker
As announced during the Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS release, Docker is now fully integrated with Ubuntu Server, available through a simple apt-get. Since then, many individuals and companies have been doing some very cool things with Docker on Ubuntu, and we’ve decided to dedicate a blog series to highlighting those endeavours.
Our first post is about Cloud9, which “combines a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu workspace in the cloud”. They have just launched the latest version of their online IDE, which includes workspaces hosted through Docker in containers running on Ubuntu. You can choose from an existing workspace (and there seem to be ones for some of the most popular development tools), or create your own. You can also customise the underlying container directly through sudo access from your command line.
We think this is an excellent illustration of the power of the Ubuntu/Docker combo. You can have an on-demand, pre-configured IDE using minimal resources, and switch between multiple workspaces as you need to. It’s a good combination of ease of use and the ability to customise and configure.
We haven’t tried it yet, so if you have, feel free to let us know what you think of it. Read the full article here. And if you’re doing something cool on Ubuntu and Docker yourself, please tweet us @ubuntucloud using the hashtag #docker, preferably including a link to a demo or a blog post, and we’ll be happy to syndicate it on
Happy developing!